Farm Stewardship Tour to be held at Garden Delights Farm


WSU Clark County Extension’s Small Acreage Program invites participants to tour Garden Delights CSA & Herb Farm, a five-acre farm in Brush Prairie, on Sat., Sept. 27, 2-4 p.m. The farm is located at 15417 NE Parkinen Rd., Brush Prairie.

Garden Delights is a multi-generation family farm that sells herbs, herbal products and offers an 18-week vegetable CSA. The farm owners also raise steers and keep a family horse. In 2013, Garden Delights was recognized by WSU Clark County Extension as a Model Property for demonstrating a commitment to stewardship by implementing practices to control runoff, manage manure and maintain healthy pastures.

Tour participants will have the opportunity to get ideas for improving soils, controlling mud, managing manure, raising cattle, managing pastures and operating a small farm business.

The Small Acreage Program, co-sponsored by WSU Clark County Extension and Clark County Environmental Services Clean Water Program, will lead the tour with the landowners. The tour runs from 2-4 p.m. and participants will meet at the farm in Brush Prairie.

When Eloyce O’Connor and her family first moved to their five-acre farm in Brush Prairie in the 1990s, they began growing produce and selling at local farmer’s markets.

However, O’Connor’s daughter and partner on the farm, Erin Harwood, told The Reflector in a previous interview that they didn’t like wasting the produce that they had left over if they weren’t able to sell it all at the farmer’s markets. So, in 2008, O’Connor and Harwood decided to start a CSA.

“CSA just seemed like a logical fit,” Harwood said. “We can pre sale all the produce and that gives us money to buy seed, gas for our equipment and things like that. It makes the business very self sustaining.”

Although Garden Delights is primarily a CSA, Harwood said the other major part of their business is herbs. They offer several different culinary herb blends, which are salt-free herb blends that Harwood said are “like Mrs. Dash, but way better.”

The herbs are dried in small batches in the microwave and are hand blended and put into glass jars.

A third aspect of Garden Delights involves pets. Harwood said she used to have a pet dog that had some serious issues with fleas and irritated skin. After some experimenting with lavender and pennyroyal, Harwood said she made a collar that soothed her dog’s skin and helped get rid of fleas.

“We don’t make things and offer them to the public unless we use them and like them,” Hardwood said.

Another product offered to customers of Garden Delights is grass-fed beef. The beef cows come from local dairies and are given access to fresh grass all day, everyday. The animals are harvested on the farm and people purchase their share of the animal in advance. The beef is sold in quarters.

Eric Lambert, Small Acreage Program coordinator, said, “Garden Delights CSA & Herb Farm epitomizes what can be accomplished on a small farm with thoughtful planning, hard work and a commitment to stewardship. Tour participants will learn a lot about solving common small acreage issues and how to achieve small farm goals sustainably.”

Farm tours are guided peer to peer educational events open to everyone and anyone.

Registration for the farm tour is $10 and tour size is limited. Pre-register and find details at or call (360) 397-6060, ext. 0. For more information on Garden Delights CSA & Herb Farm, visit their website at


What: Farm Stewardship Tour

When: Sat., Sept. 27, 2-4 p.m.

Where: Garden Delights CSA & Herb Farm, 15417 NE Parkinen Rd., Brush Prairie

Details: Tour the farm and get ideas for improving soils, controlling mud, managing manure, raising cattle, managing pastures and operating a small farm business

Register: Registration is $10, tour size is limited. Pre-register at