There is only one right way — Jesus Christ


There is only one right way, that is Jesus Christ, the Holy Christian Bible, and the Ten Commandments. Any other way is saying Jesus Christ and His word, the Bible, is a lie. To call God’s word a lie is the devil’s doctrine; and that is what caused Adam and Eve to disobey when they believed the devil’s lie rather than God’s word.

God’s word, the Bible, says all mankind has a sinful fallen nature brought on by the fall of Adam and Eve. Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)

When Jesus spoke to the devil on the subject of ruling nations, Jesus said, “Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.” (Matthew 4:10)

The acceptance of all false religions, which we call freedom of religion, and all religions are false except Christianity, will teach mankind to blaspheme the one true God and follow the devil, who is the father of lies. The government’s freedom of religion is identity theft; all the false religions and our government are teaching that Jesus Christ, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments are not the only way, or even the right way, to go. Anyone that teaches the acceptance of all religions and gods as a good and true policy is saying Jesus Christ, the Bible and the Ten Commandments are not true and that Jesus Christ is a liar.

When a nation or a person takes this stand, they steal the identity of God. That is done by giving the false gods the identity of being the true god, thus deceiving the people into serving the devil, the father of lies. Under this policy of lying about God, we leave God no choice but to punish and destroy our nation and send people of this policy to hell when they die. But God gives man the right to repent and to reject all false religions and receive salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. 

One example of what is happening to our anti-Christ nation is our government office holders, the free trade fools, who have sent our factories, jobs, money, and technology to China, who is taking over world leadership from the United States of America and leaving us with a huge and unmanageable debt caused by our $8 trillion trade deficit accumulated since 1994 and our huge welfare program for all our workers who lost their jobs to foreign countries.

What it all comes down to is, if we do not follow the truth, God’s word, we will lose our nation and there will be a lot of people going to hell. Remember, God’s word, the holy Christian Bible, accurately prophesies the beginning of the world to the end. It is the only book that does that.