Quiring understands the proper role of government


The government’s proper role is to protect our individual rights to life, liberty, and property. Our God-given unalienable rights are acknowledged by the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Eileen Quiring, candidate for Clark County Council Chair, is someone who is the embodiment of our founding documents. Eileen recently said “…my values most closely align with the platform of lean and efficient government which adheres to the statutory requirements of State law, lower taxes, property rights and respect for individual freedom and liberty.” Eileen Quiring’s vision for our county is one of hope, trust and confidence — inclusive of all who wish to call Clark County home.

In contrast, Eileen’s opponent, Eric Holt, has no problem with taxation. His comments lead one to conclude that he wants to restrict the use of our private property so severely it will drive up the cost of housing even more. He is in favor of regularly increasing our property tax by the maximum that the County is allowed. In a recent interview he states “we also need a progressive state income tax.” Eric Holt wants bigger government and restrictions on individual rights. I’m voting for Eileen Quiring for Clark County Council Chair because she understands the proper role of government.