If Obama’s past won’t be used then neither should Cain’s


After all Cain grew up as a socialist, wrote about his socialist mentor Frank Marshall Davis, is a professed Marxist, "I believe that when you spread the wealth around;" started his political career in the home of a terrorist (Bill Ayers), attended a church lead by a racist Reverend, (Rev. Wright) for over twenty years, voted "present" more times than not while in the Senate, and boasts that one of his strongest qualifications to become president was his work as a community organizer. Oh wait, that wasn’t Cain’s past, it was Obama’s; so it doesn’t matter.

If the main stream media won’t regard, investigate, or report upon Obama’s history, then why do they care so much about Herman Cain’s? The hypocrisy of the media on their coverage of Herman Cain is nothing less than unacceptable. Herman Cain was only accused of misconduct over a decade ago, which has now been dramatically over reported upon by the press. While Obama’s nefarious history, one which is well-documented, has all but been ignored and criminally under-reported by that same press that is now obsessed with Cain.

So I guess in the great grand scheme that is liberal logic, an alleged history of misconduct is far worse than the known and proven history of a self-described socialist with a narcissistic psychopathic complex. He spends more time as President golfing, vacationing, throwing parties, while having meetings with dubious individuals like George Soros, Andy Stern, and others than he actually does executing the constitutional duties of his office in a legal and presidential manner.

The President, with his actions, appears less presidential and more like a drunken golfer on a college bender devoted to blaming all of his mistakes on his predecessor while enjoying the protective shield of a duplicitous main stream media which has failed, or refused, time and time again to report the truth, the news, and the historical facts about him. The media has intentionally failed the American people by affording President Obama a free pass on virtually every aspect of his personal history, while they’ll focus an entire week on unproven allegations against Herman Cain. The media is driving the president’s golf cart off the green into the water trap while he himself is driving the car out of the ditch and off the cliff.

If this unbalanced, super biased, hypocritical promoting of decade old unproven accusations against Herman Cain by the main stream media doesn’t prove the absolute corruption of the media, while exposing that hypocrisy is the religion of liberalism, than nothing will.

I don’t know what is worse, the fact that we as Americans are so willing to accept the hypocrisy and corruption that is the main stream media or that we simply just lack the strength to say no more by failing to demand better from them, the system, and those who operate it. If that is the case, and this is the new standard for which we now hold ourselves to, then God help us all. We might as well burn the Constitution, dissolve our government, hand over the nation’s deeds to China, and all learn to speak Mandarin, for the game would be officially over for the US of A.

Raymond Williams

Battle Ground