Battle Ground rugby program keeps expanding


Team for men 35 and up added; Team for women being planned


When Andre de Klerk started up a rugby club team for high schoolers at Battle Ground and Prairie in 2003, he noticed a passion for the sport in the area. 

Over the last 14 years, he’s developed several teams under the umbrella of the organization Battle Ground Rugby, which today includes boys and girls youth teams, separate teams for the high schools, a men's team for graduated players and a recently incorporated “old boys” team for men 35 and up.

“Everything just keeps taking off more and more in our program,” de Klerk said.

The old boys team go by “Brahma Bulls” and their first games will be July 29 at a tournament in Tacoma. The team usually practices a couple times a week at Maple Grove School in Battle Ground alongside the men’s team (19-35 years old), which is called the Battle Ground Bulls.

According to de Klerk, the Brahma team was formed because it allows players from the men’s team who are getting older to keep playing against relative competition. He added that the growing popularity of rugby in Battle Ground inspired the decision.

“I use to have to go to Portland to play old boys rugby,” Brad Batton, 40, said. “As soon as this team opened up, I left my old team and joined this one. It’s nice to have one here in Battle Ground.”

Another team within the program de Klerk is currently organizing is a women's squad. He said he hopes it will launch by this fall.

“For the size of Battle Ground, this program is doing very well,” de Klerk said. “We obviously can’t compete with the size of programs in Portland or Seattle, but for our community, it’s in fantastic shape.”

De Klerk said interested players can get involved by calling him at 503-805-2052.

“Rugby in Battle Ground just keeps getting stronger. It’s really cool,” de Klerk said. 

“Rednecks love rugby. They just need to try it first and see,” Bratten added.