Gunslinging Gunner: Battle Ground senior quarterback Gunner Talkington has team red hot


It’s a little surprising that District Stadium in Battle Ground hasn’t burned to the ground yet. Somebody must be monitoring the flamethrower that is quarterback Gunner Talkington’s right arm pretty well. The kid is on fire, and he’s a big reason why Battle Ground is sitting 4-0 and ranked in state.

Wisely, the Tigers run a spread offense that doesn’t huddle up and plays at a fast pace. The system fits Talkington perfectly. So far this season, he’s thriving within the system. In the first four games, the offense has put up 35, 38, 48 and 48 points. As for Talkington individually, the stats are off the charts. Heading into week five of the season, he’s averaging 3.5 touchdown passes, 316.5 passing yards, 50.8 rushing yards and 1.25 rushing touchdowns per game.

While it is clear that he’s the focal point of a clicking offense, you’d be hard-pressed to hear him say anything near that. Not only does he deflect any praise about his success, he bounces it off to the players around him.

“The defense has really been stepping up.”

“My receivers are making great plays.”

“Our o-line is doing great picking up blitzes.”

These are his responses when asked about what he’s doing on the field to play so well.

Prior to the first game, Head Coach Larry Peck said Talkington “is really the spiritual leader of our offense,” which is about as accurate of a statement as they come.

As it stands, Battle Ground is currently ranked between No. 5 and No. 10 in the state, depending on which poll you prefer.

Unfortunately, everything they've done so far means completely nothing in their postseason quest, as all have been non-league games. This Friday, the team plays its first league game against Camas on the road. They’re only about halfway through the regular season, but this game could decide who wins the league title. Camas is ranked as high as No. 2 in the state Associated Press poll.

More than anything right now, Talkington says he wants a league title and a deep run in the playoffs.

To make that a reality, he says arm strength and foot speed are two things he’s done to get the most out of his small 5-9, 185-pound frame. Throughout his whole career, his lack of size at the quarterback position has put a significant chip on shoulder.

“It puts fire into my system,” he says, adding that several times growing up he heard people say he wouldn’t be able to be a quarterback at the 4A level.

Players he says he studied and modeled his game after are Drew Brees and Russell Wilson, who are also undersized.

Doubters now would be hard to find. Eventually, though, the ride will be over and it’ll be off to the “big world” as Talkington calls it.

“I don’t wanna grow up,” he says. “But I’m excited about the next step after this.”

The atmosphere of a Friday night under the lights with a packed house and big student section are things he mentions he’ll miss most, when it’s over. Most of all, it’s the guys he’s been able to share the experience with who will be the toughest to leave behind.

“I’ll miss all the guys around me. They’re a great bunch. I just love them all,” he says.

Until then, he and the Tigers will do everything in their power to push that end date back as long as they can. Nobody wants to say it yet, but everyone’s hoping it’s sometime in December, and maybe even inside a dome.