130976 NOS Norman IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CLARK COUNTY, WASHINGTON NO. 23-4-00747-06 NOTICE OF NEGOTIATED SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN ALLEN NORMAN, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, as Personal Representative of the above estate, has sold by negotiation the real property, situated in the County of Cowlitz, State of Washington, more particularly described as follows: Parcel No.: 07218 Property ID No.: 3030188 LOT 9, BLOCK 16, ST. HELEN'S ADDITION TO LONGVIEW NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 5 OF PLATS, PAGE 6, RECORDS OF COWLITZ COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON. for the purchase price of $165,500.00, cash, subject to the confirmation of the Court. The sale can be confirmed by the Court after the 24th day of August 2024. Any offer of increased bid must be made before confirmation and in accordance with RCW 11.56.110. DATED this 8th day of August 2024. /S/ DIAN C. MCCRACKEN, Personal Representative of the Estate of JOHN ALLEN NORMAN Published in The Reflector: August 14, 2024