543 results total, viewing 21 - 40
Editor, In the United States, women and girls are not legally guaranteed equal rights. We have seen the devastating consequences of this reality in our fights against unequal pay, workplace … more
Editor, This is a thank you to everyone who made last weekend special in La Center. We joined hundreds of others at the Christmas tree lighting in downtown La Center on Dec. 8. The fireworks(!), … more
What every parent desires is quality education for their children, and as a heartfelt plea from a parent in the Battle Ground school district, this should not be too much to ask for. My children, … more
Editor, On Thanksgiving, as I was pumping gas, a young man was searching through the trash cans for something to eat. One customer rudely told him to get a job. Another quickly got in their car … more
Newly elected legislators in the Washington State House of Representatives gathered in Olympia recently beginning their orientation for the upcoming 105-day session that begins Jan. 13. The biggest … more
Senate Republicans will go into the 2025 legislative session next month with three priorities: Work toward a safer Washington, an affordable Washington and a better future for our children. Most of … more
Editor, When I moved to this area a few years ago I was excited to be living in a community where there were still ‘neighborhoods’ where people were good and kind, and cared about … more
Editor, In the next two weeks, Congress has a critical opportunity to address a pressing issue affecting millions of Americans: the ongoing cuts to Medicare reimbursement rates. Over the years, … more
Have you ever thought about the fact that we all have an inner child? Dr. Eric Berne, father of transactional analysis (TA), believed that our childhood experiences — how we were parented, … more
Tribes in western Washington have asked the state to restructure the Fish and Wildlife Commission, which is standing in the way of true co-management. The 1974 Boldt decision in U.S. v. … more
Of all the public policy issues legislators wrestle with, the issue of chronic homelessness is easily among the most frustrating. It’s frustrating to think of all the billions of tax … more
Editor, Every time I buy beer from Fred Meyer, the checker scans my driver's license. The only relevant information on it is my age — to prove that I'm over 21. That train left the station … more
Donald J. Trump won. He beat Kamala Harris by 1.5 million votes. It’s not a mandate, but a pretty thorough beating. Mr. Trump swept the swing states and outnumbered Harris in the Electoral … more
When President Biden warned FEMA does not have enough money to finish the hurricane season let alone the entire year, it was surprising. Suddenly, we discovered federal disaster relief money may be … more
Shortly before the vote that ended the machinists’ strike against Boeing, an unprecedented group of 53 manufacturing associations and state chamber of commerce leaders from 42 states signed on … more
A lot can be said about the governor’s proposal to address overcrowding at Green Hill School in Chehalis by repurposing a vacant wing of the state prison near Aberdeen. Here’s the … more
Editor, I was very discouraged reading Mr. Braun’s half page editorial in last week’s Reflector. Although Mr. Braun clearly favors the opinions and values of the Republican party, I … more
Editor, Since 1886 the Statue of Liberty has stood in New York Harbor as a symbol to the world of freedom and a better life. In the words of Emma Lazarus: “ …Give me your … more
Two days after the general election, a Democratic member of our state’s congressional delegation publicly offered this advice to Washington’s governor-elect Bob Ferguson: “If … more
Our nation celebrates Thanksgiving in late November, as a nation, because of an October 1863 proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln. Prior to that, states celebrated on the dates of their … more
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