DeSantis for president. Can you imagine that? Look at Florida. And now the kids are being taught that slavery for blacks was beneficial to them! How ridiculous! That slavery taught them skills they could use in their personal lives! I guess 6.3 million Jews learned how to die! That 2 million Japanese American citizens learned how to live in imprisonment! I thought the Republican Party would come back from the brink, but they have not, and have jumped over the cliff. They are fully embracing white nationalism, racism, discrimination andreligious extremism!
To save America we must elect as many moderates and create a super majority in Congress and at the states level.
The cult of Trump is strong in the Republican Party. Their plank is discrimination, racism, theocracy, autocracy, white nationalism and extremism! They do not believe in the rule of law, except for others! They do not believe in freedom for all, except for themselves!
Be afraid, be very afraid of the cult of Trump Republicans. As one conservative justice stated, they are a clear and present danger!
Kai Lee