Letter to the editor: Does Murray have the courage of her convictions and will she debate Smiley?


Tiffany Smiley is running against Sen. Patty Murray who has been in office for three decades. Murray is the assistant Senate Majority Leader, a so-called proven fighter for progressive policies, fighting for working people and making three times their income. She once bragged about Osama bin Laden building schools, roads, day care and health facilities. She apparently feels a kinship toward him. She is campaigning on her fight to stop the greedy oil and gas industry on the people’s behalf. She’s killing the energy sector that provides jobs for us all at the same time causing prices to skyrocket to heat and cool our homes, on the people who can least afford it.

Here are a few things Murray supports but you won’t hear her talk about it on the campaign trail because she knows the people are adamantly against them. They include equity in the context of Biden’s executive order to force American taxpayers to cover student loans they did not make, adding $2,000 a year for every single American working or not in perpetuity. If you are a family of four and only two are working, your share is double. Adding 87,000 IRS agents to assist in the collection. What’s next? Our retirement funds? Our homes? 

She supports adding an income tax in addition to our sales tax. She supports tolls on the roads and bridges we drive to work on. You won’t hear talk about how she will combat the violence from antifa or BLM. You won’t hear her talk about the rise of disease and crime rising as a result of letting people from all over the world enter our country almost unchecked. You won’t hear her non-support for the border agents. She won’t talk about her support for sanctuary cities while she campaigns. You won’t hear her support for parents speaking up for their children at school board meetings. You won’t hear her talk about support for voter ID. You won’t hear her talk about gender reconstruction for children. 

Does she have the courage of her convictions and will she debate Tiffany Smiley?

And does she support Biden’s very divisive speech of calling anyone who disagrees with them a dangerous fascist? First we were called racist, then terrorist and now fascist. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if they actually focused on the things Americans are concerned about like health and security?

Monty Winton,

La Center