Letter to the editor: Information or Propaganda?


Last Thursday, my husband and I received a call from a political polling organization based out of the D.C. suburbs. The call asked three questions that clearly misrepresented Carolyn Long's positions and showed favoritism for Jaime Herrera Beutler.

I've been following Carolyn Long's race for Congress since she first announced in 2018. Since then, I've attended town halls, Coffees with Carolyn and a variety of other events that she has held to be accessible to the 3rd Congressional District.

Having personally asked her questions about healthcare, I know that this polling call was misrepresentative of Carolyn's values. The poll incorrectly accused Carolyn of supporting Medicare for All. This is simply not true. In 2018 and today, she has clearly stated her preference for improving the Affordable Care Act and presenting, in addition, a public option. This position is not remotely single payer but emphasizes choice.

The other questions dealing with taxes, economics and social unrest continued to show bias. Instead of hiring some D.C. insider to tell me what my Representative believes, it sure would be nice to hear it straight from Jaime Herrera Beutler at a town hall.