The first time I met Philip Johnson was last February at the Clark County Republican Party caucus. We were there to elect Precinct 607 delegates to the Clark County Convention in March. As an active Clark County Republican member, I had never seen Phil Johnson at any Republican event.
I knew Johnson paid for ads in the Reflector defaming a Republican candidate, Victoria Ferrer, running for Battle Ground City Council, who ran an honorable race with the memorable statement, “Battle Ground should not become Portland 2.0.”
Johnson’s Reflector ads insinuated Mrs. Ferrer ran a questionable campaign, when in fact she did the opposite. Phil’s ad read: “Victoria Ferrer, get out of the basement and tell us what you’ll do for B.G. Don’t be Battle Ground’s Joe Biden.” The only logical reason for this ad was to denigrate a conservative.
This and other negative ads are how Phil Johnson conducts campaigns. By the way, Mrs. Ferrer won the election and is an excellent city official.
Greg Cheney, precinct committee officer 607, absent at the Republican caucus, asked Johnson to attend on his behalf. Phil and I were the only two Republican voters from Precinct 607. Phil expressed no desire to participate in any Republican convention. I was elected Precinct 607 delegate and went on to the state convention.
I have gathered signatures for initiatives for years. I asked Phil at the caucus to sign the Clark County Restore Election Initiative, which would make elections more transparent, more effective and more accountable. Phil refused, saying he did not sign initiatives.
Whenever government makes bad laws, citizens can push back. An initiative can reverse government direction. We should favor letting voters decide with their ballot! Why doesn’t Phil Johnson want citizens to decide?
Phil’s voting record aligns with Democrat spending. Johnson voted in favor of tolling and light rail into Clark County. Phil’s vote contradicts multiple citizen votes against light rail in Clark County.
In nine out of 12 times, Johnson voted to increase property taxes on Battle Ground homeowners. Inflation and high taxes are rapidly making it impossible for families to afford a single-family residence. Does Phil Johnson believe our dollars should fund projects we oppose?
Two years ago, Johnson voted against a “medical freedom” ordinance, thus depriving citizens and employees of Battle Ground the freedom of choice to refuse the COVID-19 shot. This ordinance was pushback against the unconstitutional tyranny of forcing the COVID-19 shot to stay employed. Phil’s reasoning: He did not want to assume personal risk.
The Clark County Republican Party has not endorsed Phil Johnson for this election.
Does Phil’s record reflect Republican values? Has he earned the right to represent republican principles? Should Phil represent LD18 in Olympia in any capacity when he stands against initiatives, for higher taxes, refuses to take personal risks for you and supports bloated government programs against the will of citizens?
There is a Republican in legislative District 18 worth your vote! A conservative, his name is John Ley.
Vernon Jeremica
Battle Ground