Our Bond Together team, of which I am a member, has been visiting Ridgefield residents to ensure everyone understands the importance of the April 23 vote to pass two bond propositions, numbers 10 and 11. Everyone must understand how sorely needed these bonds are, given the rapid ongoing and continued growth here. See past issues of The Reflector for many convincing arguments.
One response was that the resident cannot afford the additional taxes. It is true, bonds cost us all. But note: These propositions will pass eventually. As more and more families choose to live in Ridgefield, parents will predominate and will vote for new buildings. But by then, the costs will have increased substantially.
Further, those of us who have struggled with finances know that when funds are short, decisions are much harder and results are less satisfying. Ridgefield teachers do an outstanding job. With improved facilities, they can do even more!
Ballots are to be mailed April 5. Look for yours and vote yes on both propositions 10 and 11. Education is an investment.
This money will help us build a stronger, smarter community of wise and caring decision-makers. Join me and the Bond Together team to pass these measures.
Thank you.
Rheta Rubenstein