Letter to the editor: Sue Marshall is a wolf in sheep’s clothing 


I laughed out loud when I first saw her standing there at the fair in those ridiculous overalls. I slowly began to realize it wasn’t funny at all. She was actually playing a role that could be down-right dangerous to property owners rights. 

That’s right, Sue Marshall, the same far left Democrat that worked in the Democrat controlled Senate in Salem, Oregon, and pushed for more control on private property while heading up several environmental groups was standing there pretending to be a farmer. Marshall pretends to be pro-farmer and pro-community, even though she is in favor of defunding the police and missed voting in 12 different elections while a registered Democrat in Oregon. Citizens of Clark County, beware of Sue Marshall. She is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Next year is the 20-year review of the comprehensive management land use plan and it would be a disaster for farmers and landowners to have her on the council when this review is done. I recommend voting for a name you know and trust this November, someone who has a long track record of standing up for property rights and farmers: Don Benton. Please visit his website at  bentonforcouncil.com.

Mickie Enders,

Salmon Creek