Letter to the Editor: Trump is definition of amoral



Last week an individual wrote in with his opinion that Democrats were too “amoral” to lead, and I simply must respond. I am wondering if the individual who wrote that letter understands the definition of amoral? Merriam-Webster dictionary defines amoral as “having no concern about whether behavior is morally right or wrong.” This is also the absolute perfect definition of Trump! He has zero moral compass. He has consistently proven there is no low point he won’t stoop. He has been convicted of over 30 felonies; he has sided with white supremacists; he advocated sexual assault (grab them by the p***y and do whatever you want) and has been convicted of it; he’s had three wives, all of whom he’s been unfaithful to; he has fomented an insurrection and has stated he would pardon the criminals involved in those acts. He has never met a lie he couldn’t sell to his constituents. I could go on and on citing the various amoral behaviors this man has engaged in! Yet Dems are too amoral to lead? He is the single, most amoral individual involved in American politics today and is a Republican. What happened to the Republican party being the “party of family values?” Wake up. It’s not the Democrats who are amoral. Republican Trump is completely bereft of morality and is not fit to hold any public office, let alone the most important one in the land. 

F.E. Swanson 
