Letter to the editor: We need to replace every Democrat in government with common sense


Interesting letter by Bruce McClay in the Sept. 21 edition of The Reflector concerning gas prices, presidencies and inflation. He said when we adjusted for inflation, Republican Warren G. Harding had the highest at $4.03 a gallon, actually 21 cents a gallon in his day and went down every year of his presidency. He said Bill Clinton had the lowest at $1.73. (Hmmm, Republican Congress?) How about if we have a president who has spent over four of the last decades in Congress or Democrat administrations? Does he have any culpability for printing the dollar into such high inflation that 21 cents in 1921 is the same as $4.03 in 1922? If he gets his way with energy policies, we are going to have loads of useless electric vehicles, trucks, tractors, fire engines, etc., made useless by no way to keep them charged when needed and lives and food supplies are at stake. It takes coal, hydro and natural gas, to keep up with current electrical demand and Democrats are destroying these supplies. (Long haul truckers are now paying over $20,000 a week in fuel.) Add millions of EVs? Brown-outs anyone? You would have to cover three midwestern states in solar panels to replace even current energy supplies and needs. Nuclear power is the only way to even begin to make switching to electric vehicles feasible, though I am not sure the Earth can sustain all the environmental damage harvesting enough materials to build and continually rebuild electric vehicles will require. 

Petroleum, natural gas and coal production is much less destructive. Away with the destructive, pixie-dust economic, energy, and even foreign policies of Democrats. We really need to replace every Democrat in government with common sense. Just voting Republican may not be perfect but it is way better than what is happening to our country now. 

Will Matson,

Battle Ground