Pride Month begins this week. We will especially see advertising that focuses on our children. Why is this?
Andrew Sullivan, a cultural commentator who is himself gay, explains the “core belief of critical queer theorists,” stating “There is no such thing as human nature,” so “everything is socially constructed, even the body.” Their goal is therefore to “liberate humankind from the prison of gender,” beginning with children. Really?
Sullivan writes: “If they could get into kids’ minds, bodies, and souls from the very beginning of their lives, they could abolish the sex binary from the ground up. And so they got a pliant, woke educational establishment to re-program children from the very start, telling toddlers that every single one of them could be living in the wrong body, before they could even spell.”
They tell kids, “You can be a girl or a boy or both or neither or something else entirely. And if the sex the child chose did not match their physical body, they were told they could just change it — and change it back if needed — no questions asked.”
Does anyone else see a problem here, or is it just me? For example: Once a society decides there are no moral boundaries, we get what we should expect to get. If a school playground has no fences, kids will wander into traffic they’re not equipped to avoid.
LGBTQ activists seem convinced they are “liberating” children from the “prison of gender” into lives of complete self-expression and self-fulfillment. In their view, traditional biblical morality is dangerous to children and society at large. I respectfully disagree.
Don’t you think parents should have a say? Next month, every tool in the arsenal of social media, television, music, and other popular culture will be conscripted in this comprehensive strategy to normalize LGBTQ ideology and behavior, starting with our youngest children.
I believe they want people to believe the same mistake people have made from the very beginning of time: “you can be your own god.”
I think our children and grandchildren need a biblical fence so as not to wander into that dangerous traffic they’re not equipped to avoid.
God Bless America.
Norman Phillips,