Ridgefield gymnastics earns season-high team score heading into districts
Ridgefield’s Abby Gherman finishes her first-place beam routine during a meet on Saturday, Feb. 10.
Photo by Cade Barker
Ridgefield’s Abby Gherman scored a second-place 9.2 with her floor routine during a meet on Saturday, Feb. 10.
Photo by Cade Barker
Evie Dreiling scored a first-place 9.4 with her floor routine for Ridgefield during a meet on Saturday, Feb. 10.
Photo by Cade Barker
Evie Dreiling led the Spudders gymnastics team to a season high score of 142.550 with her first-place, all-around performance score of 34.85 on Saturday, Feb. 10 during a meet. Breiling scored a third-place 8.3 on the beam. The Spudders will next perform in the 2A/3A district meet on Saturday, Feb. 17 at Naydenov Gymnastics in Vancouver.
Photo by Cade Barker
Ridgefield’s Abby Gherman scored a second-place 9.2 with her floor routine during a meet on Saturday, Feb. 10.
Photo by Cade Barker
Evie Breiling scored a first-place 9.4 with her floor routine for Ridgefield during a meet on Saturday, Feb. 10.