Ridgefield School District accepting referrals for highly capable program


Testing referrals for participation in the Ridgefield School District’s Highly Capable Program for the 2024-25 school year are currently being accepted. Anyone may refer a student, including parents, teachers, other students and members of the community, according to a press release. Highly Capable Program services are designed to address the needs of highly capable students in grades K-12. Ridgefield schools have copies of the “K-12 Highly Capable Program Overview” explaining the program goals, identification process, service model and the schedule for testing. More information and referral forms are available on the district’s website at www.ridgefieldsd.org/page/highly-capable-program.

Students in grades 1 through 7 will be tested in March/April for possible placement in the upcoming school year. Kindergarten students will be tested in April. Once a student has been scheduled, the date will not be rescheduled except for a true family emergency or illness, according to the release.

Referrals must be returned no later than Feb. 2, 2024. Completed referral forms can be sent electronically to highlycapable@ridgefieldsd.org or by mail to:

Highly Capable Program

Ridgefield School District

510 Pioneer St.

Ridgefield, WA 98642