Ridgefield 11th grade homeschool student Grace Erickson paged in the Washington State House of Representatives Jan. 22 through Jan. 26 in Olympia. She attended the House Page Program during the third week of the 60-day, 2024 legislative session.
Rep. Ed Orcutt, R-Kalama, sponsored Erickson’s week as page.
“Grace is an amazingly accomplished youth, and it was great getting acquainted with her,” Orcutt said in a news release. “I hope the chance for her to learn more about how the state Legislature functions helps her in her future endeavors. Her work here certainly helped legislators with our work.”
During the week Erickson assisted with duties on the chamber floor, made deliveries on the Capitol Campus and supported member offices.
Erickson also attended Page School during her stay, a news release by Washington State House Republican Communications stated.
House Page Program students attend Page School for two hours each day in a mixed class setting with House and Senate Pages. Using activities, technology and guest speakers, the group learns about the three branches of government, the lawmaking process and the importance of civil discourse, according to the Page School website.
Pages work a 40-hour week, earn a stipend of $65 a day and can earn up to 20 hours of community service, according to the release. To serve as a page in the Washington State House of Representatives, students must be at least 14 years of age and have not reached their 17th birthday.
Learn more about the House Page Program at leg.wa.gov/Pa geSchool/Pages/default.aspx.
Those struggling financially can find assistance via the Gina Grant Bull Memorial Legislative Page Scholarship Program, which helps offset the expense of traveling to and staying in Olympia for the week, according to the Page School website. To learn more about the grant, visit leg.wa.gov/PageSchool/Pages/GinaGrantBullScholar ship.aspx.