Clark County contractor fined $3,000 by Ecology


A Clark County contractor was one of eight businesses to receive fines from the Washington State Department of Ecology this summer.

In a Dec. 5 release, Ecology announced contractor Drew Rotschy received a $3,000 fine in July. According to the announcement, erosion at a jobsite led to dirty construction water filling a stormwater pond. The water was pumped from the pond to a vegetated area that ran offsite and impacted a nearby tributary of Gee Creek.

The fine was among eight penalties more than $1,000 that Ecology issued from July through September this year, the announcement stated. In total, the department leveled $36,400 in penalties.

Penalties from Ecology are issued when non-compliance with state regulations continues after the department has offered technical assistance or given warnings for violations, the announcement stated. Money owed from the fines can be reduced due to a settlement or court rulings. Penalties collected go to the state’s general fund or to dedicated pollution prevention accounts.

“Ecology strives to protect, preserve, and enhance Washington’s environment and promote wise management for current and future generations,” the announcement stated. “When someone pollutes Washington’s land, air or waters, Ecology enforces state and federal regulations in hopes of changing behavior and deterring future violations.”

— The Reflector