19 results total, viewing 1 - 19
As the 17th Legislative District race intensifies, one candidate stands out for his experience, leadership and dedication to the community: David Stuebe. A retired Marine Corps colonel and current … more
Washington’s 18th Legislative District brings Clark County two newcomers to the open race. The stark contrast between John Ley and John Zingale offer 18th District voters very different … more
The CT Publishing Editorial Board enthusiastically endorses Peter Abbarno for re-election to represent Washington’s 20th Legislative District. As an experienced legislator with deep ties to the … more
As election season approaches, it is important to highlight leaders who have demonstrated a strong commitment to the values and well being of their constituents. Rep. Stephanie McClintock is one such … more
The CT Publishing Editorial Board strongly endorses Initiative 2066, a critical measure on this year’s ballot that will protect natural gas as a viable, affordable energy option for … more
In 2021, politicians in Olympia introduced a new capital gains tax, claiming it would support public education and childcare programs. Unfortunately, this tax threatens to damage Washington’s … more
This November, Washingtonians have a chance to save money and reject a policy that has not done what the governor promised for the environment. Initiative 2117, which aims to repeal the hidden gas … more
The mandatory nature of the current system, WA Cares, has proven to be deeply flawed and insufficient for many Washingtonians, and voters now have the chance to fix what’s broken by voting … more
There’s one thing people in this area never complained about when Jaime Herrera Beutler represented us in Congress, and that was her constituent service and her focus on the specific needs of … more
Our editorial board enthusiastically endorses state Rep. Peter Abbarno for reelection to represent Washington’s 20th Legislative District. As an experienced legislator with deep ties to … more
The CT Publishing Editorial Board is proud to endorse Paul Harris for state Senate in Washington’s 17th Legislative District. With seven terms as our state representative, Paul has built a … more
Voters living in both Clark County Fire District 3 and Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue will have important decisions to make on the upcoming Aug. 6 primary election ballot as both districts are running … more
One would think parental access to their own children’s school records would be a non-controversial issue. Unfortunately, parents across Washington have expressed frustration that those … more
As a community, we cannot overlook the alarming mishandling of the Green Hill School situation by Washington Gov. Jay Inslee. It’s time to shed more light on the troubling incidents at … more
This year, the Washington Legislature passed a controversial bill that will allow runaways to evade their parents and stay under state custody if the children are looking for abortions or sex change … more
A troubling theme has emerged this past legislative session that should concern all Washingtonians regardless of political affiliation. The majority party in the state House has continually voted … more
The story is the stuff of legends: someone suffers a cardiac arrest during a basketball game. Thanks to the nearby AED and CPR, the player’s life is saved.   Except this time … more
Drugs in our state are clearly more lethal than firearms. Just look at King County, where 83 people were fatally shot in 2022, but more than 1,000 people fatally overdosed. With that disparity in … more
One year from now, in February 2024, we will mark the 50th anniversary of federal Judge George Boldt’s ruling in United States vs. Washington, which affirmed tribes’ treaty-reserved … more
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