411 results total, viewing 1 - 20
I have been a Ridgefield resident for 30 years now. My draw to this area, like most residents and visitors, were the vast open fields, wildlife and dark skies to stargaze. As Ridgefield … more
Editor, We have come a long way as a nation. From the myth of our first president who never lied to the reality of a president who is … uncomfortable with the truth. All politicians lie, … more
Editor, These past few months have been a whirlwind for the La Center Lion’s Giving Tree, as expected in our second year of facilitating this project. Back at the beginning of November, we … more
Editor, From state superintendent and legislators, specific laws and policies set by Washington state Democrats, like a wrecking ball, we are destroying Battle Ground school children, socially, … more
Editor, Last year when many Clark County school districts were laying off hundreds of staff members, Battle Ground was the exception. Although certain positions had to be eliminated, every … more
Editor, As the head coach of cross country and distance track at Hockinson High School, I have had the privilege of coaching for many years. Along with my role as coach, I have been a dedicated … more
Editor, Ridgefield schools have caring and intelligent teachers who work hard daily to help children and youth learn and grow. We now have an outstanding new superintendent, Dr. Jennifer … more
Editor, As a dedicated Hockinson parent, I am writing to proudly support the upcoming bond. This will transform the quality of our school and athletic facilities. I am especially excited about … more
Editor, The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) battle began decades ago, and it is amazing that with all the laws that have been passed, there is still the urge to impart more control to government. … more
After reading this article we all should be disgusted with the educational system: https://youtu.be/hozS8AP5maY . No teacher should get raises until they bring up the student’s grades to a … more
Editor,  In the Jan. 15 edition of the Reflector, the article by Norman Helgason regarding fluoride related the conversations between council and citizens. The positions and opinions … more
Editor, I see so much in the Reflector regarding school levies and other solicitations for providing schools with more and more funding. Has anyone looked at the wasted money schools spend … more
Editor, As we reflect on the past year, 2024 was a time of incredible challenges, renewed hope and deep gratitude for our community, volunteers and partners. We were able to expand our services, … more
Editor,  I have been the owner of Hockinson Market here in our community for 28 years. In that time, I have met many new Hockinson residents. Some of you might remember coming into the … more
Editor, I am writing to urge Ridgefield residents to vote a hearty yes for Ridgefield School District propositions 12 and 13 in the upcoming Feb 11 special election.  I was charmed by … more
Editor, This letter is in reference to the unauthorized camping ordinance 2025-02 that is being considered by the Battle Ground City Council. I am pleased to see local government taking a … more
Editor,  I urge Ridgefield voters to support propositions 12 and 13 on the Feb. 11 ballot. One of the big reasons my family relocated to Ridgefield was the excellent schools. While other … more
Editor,  Thank God a "convicted felon" won the popular and electoral vote for president. We "racist, sexist, fascists" — names from the Democrat party of equity — chose freedom … more
Editor, Americans deserve a democracy where every one of us is respected — no matter what we look like, where we come from or how we live. Republican legislators will work hard to pass … more
Editor, As a lifelong resident of Clark County and a former student of Hockinson schools, I understand firsthand the value our community places on education. It is a privilege to be both a … more
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