Firm Foundation Christian School’s middle school and high school students completed their first semester of the 2022-23 school year on Jan. 20. The honor roll is published at the end of each semester.
Highest honors require a GPA of 3.7 to 4.0 and honors require a GPA of 3.3 to 3.69.
FFCS students who received highest honors are listed below.
Sixth grade
Logan Sours, Ethan Sweet, Nathan Davidyan, Ava Crumbaker, Abigail Smith, Naomi Sandow, and Ramona Malos
Seventh grade
Elizabeth Young and Abby Verbrugge
Eighth grade
Ainsley Percival, Raheem Houdroge, Mathias Thompson, Jazmine Deryavko, Kaylee Litvinov, Carolyn Riley, Charlotte Jones and Rachael Koschoreck
Ninth grade
Emelina Barela, Lika Bordian, Phoebe Sandow, George Pushkashu and Sulamita Mironenko
10th grade
Bridget Hein, Diltaj Gill and Harsimran Gill
11th grade
Neva Matson, Elli Rogers, Emily Bourne, Hannah Rommel, Azariah Mironenko, Jackson Salmi and Alexa Vesely
12th grade
Elsa Helmes, Joshua Holmgren and Esther Rogers i
FFCS students who received honors include:
Sixth grade
Ethan Wesner, Jemina Carata, Trinity Hanson, Brookelynn Clanton, Kareem Houdroge, Braxtyn Muhonen, Bryson Wirkkala, Triston Procter and Brynnan Reid
Seventh grade
Anika Vos
Eighth grade
James Malos and Soren Matson
Ninth grade
Ethan Young
10th grade
Daniella Savenko, Phillip Pomazkov, Jeshua Graham and Sulamita Pavlenko
11th grade
Cohen Young, Analiese Vesely, Isabelle Cavazos and Oliver Ferguson
12th grade
Trevin Long and Kaitlyn Van Dyke