Regional winery association set for Labor Day pairing event


Wine enthusiasts are invited to sample small plates paired with local wines at 16 different participating wineries and tasting rooms this Labor Day Weekend.

From Sept. 2 to Sept. 4, member wineries and tasting rooms of the Southwest Washington Winery Association in Clark and Cowlitz counties will hold their annual Labor Day

weekend food and wine pairing event. Participating wineries and tasting rooms will create special offerings of wine and small plates to show the synergy of the right food pairing with their wines, a release from the winery association stated.

As part of the event, attendees can pick up a passport card at any of the participating

tasting rooms, with printable cards are also available online, according to the release. Each business will stamp customers’ attendance, and after getting three stamps, they can turn in their card and be eligible for a drawing of one of three gift certificates redeemable at any of the participating businesses.

Printable passport cards, specific open hours, and pairing offerings for each tasting room can be found at daypassport.

The Southwest Washington Winery Association is a non-profit organization of wineries, tasting rooms, vineyards and complimentary businesses that promotes and encourages the development and growth of the wine industry in Clark, Cowlitz, Skamania, and Lewis counties of Southwest Washington, the release stated. Formed in 2016 with 11 members, the association has grown to more than 18 local wineries, nine tasting rooms and wine bars, 15 vineyards, and other associated businesses.