Ridgefield Multicultural Festival taking place over Labor Day weekend


The sixth annual Ridgefield Multicultural Festival will take place Sept. 2 in downtown Ridgefield.

This year’s theme is “Beats and Rhythm.” The festival will have a “jam-packed line-up of talented artists,” according to the press release.

Artists include the Japanese taiko drum group Takohachi; Portland Samba; the chicha, cumbia, and afro-Peruvian “highly danceable” music of Grupo Masato; African dance and drum group Kaagba Ohenaa; emcee King Khazm; Master Oh’s Taekwondo team and much more.

This year, the festival is a collaborative partnership between the City of Ridgefield and the Ridgefield Multicultural Initiative, a release states. 

“We started the nonprofit, the Ridgefield Multicultural Initiative (RMI), to support the Ridgefield Multicultural Festival because we believe that cultural education and placemaking around culture is a hallmark of a community with a sense of belonging,” said Megan Dudley, president of RMI, in the release.

There will be many activities for all ages and food trucks selling a variety of cuisines, craft and farmers market vendors and information booths. 

African drum and dance classes and tap classes offered, and a crystal singing bowl sound bath experience during the event. Performances and festival activities are free to the public, the release states. The classes require registration and are free except for the crystal singing bowl sound bath. 

For the event schedule, class registration and more information, visit ridgefieldculture.org.