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You seem to forget the GOP back in 1994 (when it was a still a political party, not a band of lunatics) overwhelming supported a 10 year ban on assault rifles. Now a bunch of crazies, during observance of National Gun Violence Survivors Week in Feb 2023, introduced HB1095 to proclaim the AR-15 as the :National Gun of the United States". Among other crazy things, the repub clowns now in the US House have passed a bill to abolish the IRS, MTG, now on the Homeland Security Committee, is talking a :national divorce" with the red states seceding. Hopefully they won't sue for child support. A Sen Scott R-Fl calling to end SS & Medicare in 5 years, and on & on.

From: Letter to the editor: If Democrats take back the House, they will make this bad dream a reality

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