Battle Ground invites residents to adopt storm drains


The City of Battle Ground is inviting residents to participate in the Washington Adopt-A-Storm-Drain program, which helps keep waterways clean and decrease flooding by maintaining suburban storm drains.

“It’s quick and easy, plus you can help reduce street flooding and protect our location waterways from pollution,” a social media announcement by the City of Battle Ground stated.

Adoptees must keep their adopted drain clear of leaves, trash and other debris year-round. Storm drain cleaning typically takes 15 minutes, twice a month, the Adopt-A-Storm-Drain website stated. Adopt-A-Storm-Drain recommends tools such as a broom, rake and gloves for drain cleaning.

As a token of appreciation for adopting a drain, participants will receive a free yard sign to inspire the neighborhood to join you in preventing waterway pollution, the website stated.

To register for Adopt-A-Storm-Drain, visit An interactive map is available to browse adoptable storm drains and keep track of the program’s impact.

Since the Adopt-A-Storm-Drain program launched in 2021, over 38,000 pounds of debris have been collected from across 3,224 storm drains, the website stated.