Battle Ground School District expanding recognition for high school students


More high school graduates in the Battle Ground School District will have the opportunity for recognition, beginning with the graduating class of 2028.

Starting in 2028, the top 5% of high school graduates will be recognized based on GPA, during graduation.

“Students take many different academic paths in high school, from career/technical classes to advanced placement to Running Start and more. In recognition of the many ways that students achieve academic success, Battle Ground Public Schools plans to expand recognitions at high school graduations starting with the class of 2028,” a school district news release stated.

The district opted to change the recognition requirements following input from staff, parents, guardians and students, the press release stated.

The change will remove the valedictorian and salutatorian honors, which often end up shared due to multiple students achieving the same GPA, the press release stated. Class rankings will still be available, however.

Recognizing the top 5% of the graduating class will also bring the school district in line with other Washington school districts, according to the press release.