Letter to the Editor: Abbarno’s assertions may not be valid



The recent column written by Rep. Peter Abbarno (Jan 3 Reflector) concerned a crime wave and failed leadership in our state. I believe this refers to the known fact that Washington is a democratic “blue” state.

Using the same statistics that he used, I discovered the “top 10 most dangerous states” based on violent crime rates. I found it interesting that eight of the 10 most
dangerous states based on violent crime rates were in Republican “red” states. This is where I would point out that his assertions that a political party determines rates of crime in any state might not be valid.

I am looking forward to a future article by Mr. Abbarno where he discusses the failed leadership of his own party — where a former president (who creates his own personal crime wave) believes he should be immune from any of our nation’s laws and once stated the Constitution should be terminated so he could be “allowed to win” the last election.

Political hypocrisy and partisanship are not unusual these days, but I’m also reminded of the old quote, popularized by Mark Twain, “There are lies, damned lies and statistics” — statistics that are often used to prop up weak political arguments.

Darrell Anderson

Battle Ground