Last year when many Clark County school districts were laying off hundreds of staff members, Battle Ground was the exception. Although certain positions had to be eliminated, every person who wanted a job had one. Battle Ground is a fiscally responsible district that recently received high marks on a state audit for protecting taxpayer funds.
To ensure the continuation of sports, arts, music, lower class sizes, instructional support and more, please vote yes for Battle Ground Public Schools on Feb. 11. Thank you for your support!
Amy Fredericks
Letters To The Editor
Readers are encouraged to express their views by writing to the editor of The Reflector. Letters are limited 500 words. Deadline is noon Thursday. Writers are limited to two letters per calendar quarter. All letters must be signed with name, address, plus phone number for verification. Items submitted are subject to editing and will become the property of this newspaper. Opinions expressed in the Letters to the Editor section of this newspaper do not necessarily reflect those of The Reflector or its staff.
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Mail: The Reflector, Attention: Letters to the Editor,
209 E Main St., Suite 121 Battle Ground, WA 98604