Letter to the editor: Check your facts on masks — they help


I would like to respond to Ms. Heine-Withee who expressed an opinion regarding masks’ effectiveness during our current pandemic. 

While I applaud her for having the capability to provide her information, in my opinion, she should review her resources. Masks have been reviewed and reported as a viable resource in helping decrease the expansion of COVID-19. This has been expressed by not only the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Dr. Anthony Fauci as the previous writer wrote, but also by the World Health Organization as well as Stanford, Harvard and every other reputable university in both the United States and Western Europe. 

In addition, regarding the writer's use of Dr. Rancourt's "research," Dr. Rancourt is a physicist whose discussions have been publicly refuted and who also discussed the use of the N-95 versus commonly used surgical masks as opposed to what Miss Heine-Withhee referenced. I assume the writer is nowhere near the medical field whereas I am a registered nurse at an acclaimed hospital as well as being certified in my chosen field, but please check your facts ma'am. 

Openly expressing falsehood without researching just expands the issue we have and puts you into the same groups of "flat-earthers" and perhaps even our current governmental quagmire. Please review where things are reported from before you add fuel to a small group of uneducated followers in print.