Letter to the editor: Ferguson not interested in protecting citizens’ rights



Every time I buy beer from Fred Meyer, the checker scans my driver's license. The only relevant information on it is my age — to prove that I'm over 21. That train left the station a long time ago, as anyone who looks at me can tell. She doesn't need to know my name, address and who knows what else is embedded in the license.  

I have protested this several times and am always told that "the state requires it."  Who knows what Fred Meyer, or the state for that matter, are doing with this information. It is a colossal invasion of my, and many others’, privacy. I'm sure that many who read this letter know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm surprised that the editors and reporters of our local papers haven't picked up on this.

I've written to the attorney general (now governor-elect) several times. I keep getting the same form letter that tells me nothing. A while back, I was in Olympia lobbying for a group I volunteered for. I sat in a church listening to our new governor brag about all his victories over Trump. I guess that's more important to his political ambitions than protecting the rights of the people of Washington. 

Rick Hauser

Battle Ground 


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