Letter to the editor: History repeats itself, again!



History runs in cycles, repeating itself. This election would be called a short cycle because people (and voters) are full of contradictions and have poor short-term memory.

People were looking for someone to lead them to the promised land — a better economy. Funny thing is I remember 2020, when we got rid of the former president. I didn’t need a job as I am retired but very few jobs were available back then. I had money but could buy very little. Store shelves were mostly barren. Goods and food were limited by supply distribution problems caused by the pandemic. What was available came at a higher price, which means inflation and the economy were close to a recession. He did so well then, let’s put him in charge again! That is a big contradiction (and a short-term memory problem.)

Most Americans don’t believe abortion should be illegal, but the man who brought back abortion laws in more than 20 U.S. states is returned to office. Another contradiction. The odd thing is many of those so-called “pro-life” states are the lowest ranked in maternal/child health care, which implies they don’t really care about the life of the mother or the child.

In Texas for example, maternal mortality — death of the mother — has almost doubled since abortion laws started. I would not call this pro-life; I would call this a contradiction. The famous Texas author Larry McMurtry said, “Nothing good ever comes without a price,” but if death is that price, I would add, “Bad always comes at a cost nobody is willing to pay.”

Darrell Anderson
Battle Ground


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