As the head coach of cross country and distance track at Hockinson High School, I have had the privilege of coaching for many years. Along with my role as coach, I have been a dedicated parent and program supporter for over a decade. It has become increasingly evident the condition of our track is deteriorating. In addition to advocating for the new elementary school, I believe it is my responsibility to advocate for the needs of our student-athletes.
The current HHS track was installed in 2003. The average life of track surfacing is somewhere between 12 and 15 years. As we enter the 22nd year of use, the track is well beyond its expected lifespan.
As each season passes, more of our athletes suffer injuries, including shin splints, due to the track’s dilapidated condition. These kids are deeply committed and train year-round with goals ranging from qualifying for state to advancing to the collegiate level. The HHS cross country and track programs are consistently ranked amongst the best in the state, even producing a few professional athletes, yet our facility ranks amongst the worst.
There have been suggestions to relocate our track meets to the middle school; however, that track’s narrow lanes and lack of facilities for field events such as javelin and pole vault make it an unsuitable option for high school competitions.
Replacing the track and field would reduce ongoing maintenance costs that are allocated to patching and repairing them. The drainage issue that has plagued it would be fixed, saving an estimated $10,000 in repair costs every year. A new track would not only benefit our current student population but would also serve as a resource for the community and support our district over the next 15 years.
This is not just a high school issue; it is an opportunity to provide a safer and more sustainable facility for our community including all students from transitional kindergarten through grade 12.
Hockinson’s student athletes are hard-working, talented and dedicated, and they deserve a facility that matches their commitment. My coaching staff and I are fully dedicated to their success and are advocating on their behalf for a safer environment in which to train and compete for years to come.
Please vote yes for the kids of Hockinson!
Melissa Peterson, HHS head cross country and distance track coach
Battle Ground
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