Letter to the Editor: Invest in schools by voting yes on Battle Ground levy



Vote yes for Battle Ground students, teachers and schools! Like homes and cars, schools eventually need repairs and updates as part of the upkeep, but the state does not fully cover the costs. It’s up to us to ensure that our children continue to have good learning environments. The capital levy would pay to improve roofs and heating and cooling, systems. It also would improve security and technology. In addition, it would help create spaces in which students learn construction trades, culinary skills and health sciences, enhancing their ability to get jobs that pay well after they graduate. The capital levy is a positive step toward getting the most out of our investment in schools.

This capital levy would take the place of a bond measure that expired at the end of December 2023. The expired bond measure rate was $0.44 per $1,000 of assessed property value. The capital levy rate is projected to be the same: $0.44 per $1,000 of assessed property value for all three years. And Battle Ground already has the lowest tax rate of all school districts in Clark County.

Though some schools will eventually need to be replaced, the work would help taxpayer dollars go as far as possible.

Good schools help maintain strong property values and are essential to the health of our community. A yes vote is a vote for our children that will help them learn in safe, well-maintained schools that support their learning and help them build the skills needed for their future jobs.

Thank you for voting yes!

Michelle Jenson
