Letter to the editor: Ridgefield propositions maximize dollars



Ridgefield schools have caring and intelligent teachers who work hard daily to help children and youth learn and grow. We now have an outstanding new superintendent, Dr. Jennifer Rodriquez, and a revitalized Board of Directors. The district values its community ties and support. Leaders have listened hard to community concerns. We now have the opportunity to implement these suggestions by voting yes on propositions 12 and 13.

Proposition 12 funds critical areas where state funding is low. It will fund essential programs including special education, classroom support staff (parapros), athletics and student clubs such as drama, debate and DECA, where students spread their wings into communication, arts and business.

Proposition 13 employs creative funding strategies, now being used around the state. A new elementary school can be funded through $21 million in developer-paid impact fees and $16.5 million in state funding — available only if the levy passes! Of the $22 million requested from taxpayers, $15 million will complete a sorely needed, modestly designed elementary school; $5 million will replace aging roofs at Union Ridge and South Ridge; and $1.5 million will support three years of technology upgrades. This no-frills approach maximizes every dollar to address Ridgefield’s urgent school needs while minimizing the tax impact on residents. Impressively, this levy will be limited to only three years!

Go to ridgefieldsd.org/page/levy for more details.

We have a good school district. Let’s all pitch in to make it great!

Howard Rubenstein



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