From state superintendent and legislators, specific laws and policies set by Washington state Democrats, like a wrecking ball, we are destroying Battle Ground school children, socially, spiritually, morally and academically.
During COVID, parents discovered what was really taught in Battle Ground schools as they observed their children during online lessons. Once schools resumed, many parents chose home schooling or other options to educate their children, to protect them from academic, cultural, health and spiritual warfare mandated by Gov. Inslee. Unfortunately, a growing number of parents struggling with higher taxes, inflation and negligible wage growth can no longer afford private or homeschooling, forcing children to return to public school indoctrination.
Left unprotected, Battle Ground students are exposed to UN Agenda 21’s abhorrent Comprehensive Sex Education Program (CSE) as well as pornographic literature available in school libraries designed to sexualize children at an early age, promote and groom children to non-heterosexual relationships, fornication, sodomy, gender confusion and homosexual sexual
practices. Why does the school district comply with these mandates? Who is responsible? Checking voting records, almost in lock step, Washington state Democrats and elected local Democrat officials hidden under non- partisan labels are responsible.
In addition, parents discovered that Washington public schools teach Marxism and communism, such as Critical Race Theory; class warfare; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion; and environment social governance. Besides wasting taxpayer money, it is an impingement on learning, persecution of children, antithetical to the American way of life, the nuclear family, parental rights, our
freedom and Christian values.
Another Marxist/communist program, social emotional learning, is being evaluated and implemented this year in Battle Ground!
This curriculum is Democrat supported, embedded in the curriculum and not labeled, making discovery difficult and timely. Since COVID, curriculum review is rarely available to BG parents and for brief periods, it is often too late for input before implementing into classrooms. Parents are blinded to what is going on in our school district and are impotent in their ability to make objections or constructive critique. Parents, it is planned!
Also, Washington state Democrat legislator and state superintendent policies of OSPI discipline rules have created chaos, confusion and a waste of our tax dollars and a serious dilution of learning in the classrooms. Students are being indoctrinated to accept chaotic uncontrolled behavior. Did you know that one or more classroom disruptions requiring clearing of the room due to illegal or improper behavior is common in the Battle Ground school district? Are children learning?
Recent data from the Washington state report card for Battle Ground district indicates student proficiency overall: 46.5 % in English language arts and 40.1% in math. In terms of college readiness only 45.4% meet benchmarks in English, and sadly 29.1% meet benchmarks in mathematics. These numbers are well below the state average. I would give the district an “F.” Would you?
Battle Ground schools are under a Democrat siege. A levy is not the solution. Removal of these Democrat programs, the Marxist indoctrination and CSE is the common sense solution. Lord help us!
Vernon Jeremica
Battle Ground
Letters To The Editor
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