Letter to the editor: Trump’s presidency built on lies



We have come a long way as a nation. From the myth of our first president who never lied to the reality of a president who is … uncomfortable with the truth. All politicians lie, some more than others. This presidency is built on a tower of lies. If you wish, this can be named Trump’s Tower of Lies. 

The election of 2020 was stolen; Jan. 6 was a peaceful assembly; Jan. 6 protesters were patriots fighting for freedom; Jan. 6 protesters were pardoned because they were political hostages and not criminals; he cares about working families, inflation and the economy; his personality and character make him a strong leader; he has been anointed by God to be president. All of these are lies. 

The president boasts of his elite Ivy League education and about the new “Golden Age.” I don’t believe there will be a golden age as he will likely create more problems than he solves. Unless he gets nominated again as emperor or king, his tower of lies will fall when he leaves office.  

Like lies, it is written that God does not believe in bragging, bullying or boasting. These are something that Jesus would never do. Those who follow Him are called Christians; those who follow a politician are not. 

Darrell Anderson

Battle Ground


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