Letter to the editor: We’ve earned equality; now let us have it



In the United States, women and girls are not legally guaranteed equal rights. We have seen the devastating consequences of this reality in our fights against unequal pay, workplace harassment, pregnancy discrimination, domestic violence, limited access to comprehensive health care, discrimination against LGBTQIA+ individuals and more.

As our nation braces for a rise in attacks on the liberties of women, girls and LGBTQIA+ people, we need the only duly ratified constitutional amendment that has not been added to the Constitution: the Equal Rights Amendment.

The ERA rightfully became the 28th Amendment more than four years ago and will update the Constitution to provide nationwide protection against discriminatory federal and state laws. The ERA is necessary to uphold and restore the rights of more than half our population.

President Biden has acknowledged its ratification but passed the buck to a polarized Congress. This political punting has precluded the ERA’s publication and has cost people their health and lives. President Biden has the power to instruct the U.S. Archivist to certify and publish the amendment, making equal rights the law of the land. With little time left in office, the League of Women Voters of Clark County calls upon President Biden to pick up the phone and instruct the Archivist to finalize the ERA now. Mr. President, your legacy is calling.

Clark County, we need your voice. Take one minute and go to lwv.org and the “Take Action” page to tell the president to act now.

Nancy Halvorson

President, League of Women Voters of Clark County


Letters To The Editor

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