A Douglas meadowfoam, also referred to as a poached egg plant, is an annual wildflower that blooms in the late spring through fall and reseeds to act like a perennial.
Photo by Cade Barker
A Pacific rhododendron, the official state flower of Washington, begins a later-season bloom in northern Clark County.
Photo by Cade Barker
A Camas lily blooms in Clark County. This wildflower was well documented by Lewis and Clark, and the bulb provided a food source for indigenous peoples.
Photo by Cade Barker
A grouping of Oregon oxalis, a species of wood sorrels, can provide a blanket in shaded gardens in the region.
Photo by Cade Barker
A wild strawberry blooms in Clark County. This plant can act as a drought-resistant blanket for various light conditions in gardens.
Photo by Cade Barker
A bigleaf lupine is often found blooming in open fields and along roadsides in Clark County.