21st annual Rural Heritage Fair to be held July 18 & 19


RIDGEFIELD – The Fort Vancouver Antique Equipment Association recently announced the 21st annual Rural Heritage Fair held in Ridgefield on the property of Alan Schurman’s “Iron Ranch.”

The annual family celebration will be held on Sat., July 18 and Sun., July 19.

This year’s show will feature live demonstrations in the blacksmith’s shop with blacksmiths forging objects from the 1800s to modern art metal objects. A steam boiler will be used to power equipment including a 1800s logging donkey, steam powered drag saw predecessor to the modern chain saw, and a steam engine used to power a sawmill in Baker, OR, in the late 1800s.

A large number of turn of the 20th century single cylinder engines powering ice cream churns, corn grinders, water pumps, washing machines and many other machines operated pre-electric power in Clark County. Steam and early gasoline powered tractors will be operated and included in the equipment parade each day of the event.

Returning for a second year will be the pioneer village. This will provide children with hands on opportunities to recreate tasks for early days in Clark County including splitting cedar shakes, churning butter, grinding corn, washing clothing and other rural heritage activities.

Children likely will also enjoy a candy scramble and a kiddy tractor pull. This new feature to last year’ fair was a big hit with children and adults, especially grandparents.

Alan Schurman will open his vast collection of toys, bicycles, cars, engines, tractors, signs, motor scooters, classic bicycles, period kitchen/ household items, industrial equipment and thousands of items collected over the past 60 plus years.

Alan’s “ Iron Ranch” was recently featured on the History Channel’s “American Pickers.” Members of the Fort Vancouver Equipment Association will have on display a huge collection of steam and gas powered farm tractors, “hit and miss” single cylinder engines, antique garden tractors, antique cars, classic cars, farm machinery, fire engines, industrial equipment and many items used in Clark County in the19th and 20th centuries.

A swap meet will provide vendors selling old tractor parts, tools, antiques, farming memorabilia and a host of other treasures.

This 21st anniversary of the Rural Heritage Fair runs from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days. Food will be available for purchase during the event. Admission to the event is free with a $5 charge per car for parking. The street address is 23100 NE 10th Ave., Ridgefield. Signs will be posted on NE 10th Ave.

For more details on the Heritage Fair, call or email Mike Bjur at (360) 608-3179, michaelbjur@hotmail.com.