Clark County seeks survey responses on climate change


Clark County is seeking community input via surveys to help plan for climate change. Two surveys will be available until 5 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 27.

Surveys are available online at and

The first survey seeks community feedback on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality in unincorporated Clark County. The second survey asks questions about climate resilience in unincorporated Clark County and how safety measures could be improved, a news release by the county stated.

Feedback through the surveys will inform the development of Clark County’s climate chapter. Responses will help the county determine what actions can be taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve community resilience against climate change, the news release stated.

An additional follow-up meeting for climate planning will be available this fall, according to the news release. Meeting information was unavailable at press time.

The climate planning will bring the county in compliance with HB 1181, a law which passed during the 2023 Washington State legislative session. The law requires counties to add a climate change element to their Comprehensive Plan. A state grant is funding the climate planning project, the release stated.

To learn more about Clark County’s climate planning, visit mate-change-planning.