Commentary: A law above the law


In November 1945, after World War II had concluded, the U.S. led a coalition of allies to prosecute 24 of the remaining Nazi bigwigs, such names as Hermann Goring, Rudolf Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel and Krupp, along with Hitler’s architect Albert Speer. The trials were called the Nuremberg trials. The men were on trial for crimes against peace, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Although the allies were not thrilled with Germany invading other countries, what really provoked the trials is what happened after they conquered them. It’s one thing to kill a soldier in combat; that’s understandable. But you don’t go on to kill his 2-year-old daughter or 79-year-old mother. You don’t starve to death 2 million Soviet prisoners, murder 6 million Jews, millions more of Slavs, gypsies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Catholics, homosexuals, the list is endless. The next time someone tells you we are all basically good, have them look at Nazi Germany. The most educated, cultured, industrialized country bar none, it was a true house of horrors. Their crimes were out of the depth of hell itself. However, the Nazis came up with a very good defense. They said we were only following orders, and besides what we did was also enshrined in German law. Sounds reasonable enough. Even the Brits had a problem prosecuting a military general for doing his job. But the U.S. had a lead prosecutor named Robert Jackson, an associate Supreme Court justice on loan from Washington, D.C. He looked at the Nazi defense of “we were only following orders and the German law” and blew it apart when he said, “There is a law above the law,” meaning the law of “thou shalt not murder” supersedes any man-made law, no matter what. Also the law of common sense tells you that you don’t have the right to murder babies, old people, Russians, Jews or any other person simply because they are inconvenient and you want them gone. Jackson’s argument won the day, and we hanged 11 Nazis and gave lengthy sentences to the rest.

Jackson was the only person to ever hold the office of Supreme Court justice, solicitor general and attorney general. The irony of his life was that he never did finish law school.

Fast forward to July 23, 2020, a USA Today story about Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Remember a few years ago when everyone was tearing down statues all across America? According to the article, she always started her abortion clinics in black neighborhoods in order to eliminate them and cheered on selective breeding of the human race in order to eliminate “defective” humans. Sound familiar? These were the same ideas Hitler advocated. In fact he got many of his theories from this woman. In her own autobiography, she made a speech before a group advocating for the “gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction of defective stocks, those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.” Don’t believe me? Google it yourself. 

Oh, the group she made the speech to? The KKK. Lovely. The article goes on to say how she appealed to a Dr.  C.J. Gamble to hire black physicians and black pastors to justify their deadly work saying, “We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out the more rebellious members.” There you have it in plain English, “exterminate the black population.” This woman would have risen far with Adolph’s bunch. White supremacy anyone? It couldn’t be more plain. It has nothing to do with the Confederacy, the South or slave masters. It has everything to do with modern day liberalism and people on the left. It’s as if as many people say that they actually worship on the altar of abortion, that’s how worked up and vehement they are about it. 

Let’s examine the issue from science. There can be no doubt that what is inside a pregnant woman is a human being. It’s also alive and human from day one. Some people say that the baby is not alive but that’s silly because it can’t grow while it's dead. So the baby is obviously alive and human. The issue now gets promoted to the morals of the whole thing. We’ve appropriated to ourselves the position of God. Only God decides matters of life and death. He does give his authority to the state to punish wrongdoers and they should be punished otherwise we have anarchy. Nowhere did he ever give his authority to you and me to execute babies. I’ve tried to choose my words carefully, but there is no polite way to say it. Kill, choose, murder, in all cases the baby ends up dead. I don’t care what the U.S. Supreme Court says, and I don’t care what U.S. state courts say concerning abortion law. There is a law above the law.  Thou shalt not murder.

Tom Regan

Battle Ground