Hockinson teacher, student receive STEM Rising Star honors


Hockinson teacher Angelina Sarkinen and upcoming junior Elsie Lyon received recognition for their academic achievements during the fourth annual STEM Rising Star and Regional Partners Award Ceremony on June 4.

Angelina Sarkinen, 2024 Educator of the Year

Angelina Sarkinen works with ninth to 12th-grade students at Hockinson High School as a college and career resource specialist. Her counseling at the high school helps students set postsecondary goals related to their careers and continuing education. Sarkinen is also a leader in the annual Launching Future College and Career Fair at the high school, which drew over 600 attendees this year, the school press release stated.

“Angelina is an outstanding example of the advocacy and leadership skills that are needed to make sure every student has a chance to achieve their dreams,” Vickei Hrdina, director of career readiness and STEM at ESD 112, said in the press release.

Elsie Lyon, Washington STEM Rising Star

Elsie Lyon is an upcoming junior at Hockinson High School who participated in engineering and computer science classes. She is known for continually seeking optional projects as she seeks to improve her skills, according to the press release. In the future, Lyon would like to pursue a career in computer programming. For her dedication to learning in a STEM field, Lyon received a $250 stipend from Career Connect Southwest and a swag basket at the award ceremony.