Ridgefield mural celebrates community spirit with dragon boats and grapes


The City of Ridgefield’s newest mural, located at the north side of 112 N. Main Ave., is now completed. The mural, designed by graphic designer Patrick Hildreth and painted by Kassi Dae Summers, features vibrant dragon boats, grapevines and wine.

The mural is a collaborative project between Ridgefield community members. Building owner Merrilee Asla Lee and Ridgefield Deputy City Manager Lee Knottnerus began planning the mural this spring, a city news release stated.

While examining the blank wall, several local artists and art lovers passed by and began a brainstorming session with Asla Lee and Knottnerus. Together, the group planned a mural to showcase the relationship between Lake River, dragon boating and the Pioneer Street Roundabout Vineyards, the news release stated.

The City of Ridgefield took the idea to graphic designer Hildreth, who developed the digital concept. Then, Dae Summers brought the mural to life with paint. Ridgefield Main Street funded the painting, the release stated.

“This mural project is another remarkable example of community collaboration,” city officials said in the news release.