Woodland Middle School multi-language team helps record number of students


Woodland Middle School’s multi-language team helped 90 students demonstrate their English fluency last semester, with a record-breaking number passing the World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) English exam.

WIDA is known as a rigorous English exam and a “rigorous” challenge for students, a press release by Woodland Middle School stated.

Multi-language teacher Pamela Dietrich and paraeducator Amy Booker ensured each of their 90 students received proper attention during the school by individually reviewing their English fluency, the press release stated.

“There are several different levels of proficiency for new students,” Dietrich said in the press release. “Some might not know any English at all, while others may be bilingual but still struggle with certain words.”

Students are categorized as newcomers, mid-level bilinguals or advanced learners and given lessons appropriate to their English proficiency. All students in the program are provided homework in English and Spanish to encourage them to hone their literacy skills, the release stated.

To ensure language accessibility in other classes, Dietrich works alongside other teachers throughout Woodland Middle School.

“I work with my students’ other teachers so we can create the necessary accommodations for areas where there might be language barriers,” Dietrich said in the press release. “For example, some students’ families cannot speak English, so our teachers make sure the homework they assign isn’t teaching a new lesson where our multi-language students cannot have parental assistance; instead, the assignment will focus on reinforcing a lesson taught in class.”

Though passing English assessments such as WIDA is important, the multilingual program at Woodland Middle School also exists to foster community, encourage open communications, celebrate the multilingual and ensure students feel welcomed, the press release stated.

“I want our students to feel safe, comfortable and excited to learn,” Booker said in the press release.