Annual BG football scrimmage to be held Thursday


BATTLE GROUND –  Kick-off of the high school football season in the state of Washington is only a week away and the Battle Ground Tigers want to give their fans a sneak peek of this year’s team while also asking for their help.

On Thu., Aug. 27, the Tiger Football Booster Club will host the fourth annual Black/Orange Scrimmage & Food Drive at District Stadium starting at 7 p.m. Admission is free and concessions will be available, all while volunteers collect food and money for the North County Community Food Bank and the new Battle Ground High School Food Pantry.

“I’m very excited because this team has worked really hard in the off season. We have athletes that are committed to give everything they have to our program,” said Kim Adams, president of the Tiger Football Booster Club. “Each year this event gets bigger and bigger. It’s a chance to bring the community, parents, players and staff together.”

The scrimmage will consist of six, 12-minute running clock quarters of full-game action football. There will be allotted two quarters each for the varsity, junior varsity and the freshmen. The teams will be in full-game uniforms and officials from the Evergreen Football Officials Association will be working the game as if it were a Friday night regular season game.

“The scrimmage is a great way for our players to feel what it will be like on Friday night’s under the lights, it’s just like game night.” said Larry Peck, in his sixth year as head football coach of the Tigers. “It is also a great opportunity for our staff to work out any kinks so we can be fully prepared for our season opener the next weekend.”

Coinciding with the action on the field will be the collection of food for those locally in need.

“This event has become something our whole community looks forward to every fall,’’ Peck said. “The whole concept of having our players help collect food for those in our community who are in need is exactly the kind of thing that embodies our motto of ‘Unity, Toughness, Class.’ I love it.”

Peck is not the only one who loves the food drive. Elizabeth Cerveny, executive director of the North County Community Food Bank praised the team’s efforts.

“The Tiger Football Black & Orange Scrimmage Food Drive ‘kicks-off’ our fall season right along with the school’s season,” said Cerveny. “ The Black & Orange scrimmage food drive continues to be a great success each year. In 2014 those attending the event provided the North County Community Food Bank clients with 2,325 pounds of canned goods.”

The summer months are always tough on the food bank, making this food drive all that more important.

“June through August each year is the most difficult times for food banks,’’ Cerveny said. “Donations of canned goods and cash donations drop dramatically. This is due to the normally hectic schedules families have juggling summer sport leagues, vacations along with their normal work week and having all of the children home. Yet, those families and individuals in need find themselves facing even more difficult situations. Their struggles become larger because they must provide more meals on an even tighter budget.”

Cerveny said the food bank’s role in the community continues to grow.

“The North County Community Food Bank is continuing to have new enrollees in need of emergency food assistance. The organization’s food donation needs are high,” said Cerveny. “Canned goods, hygiene products, household cleaning goods and pet foods are always welcome donations. We also accept grocery bags, plastic, paper and reusable bags.”

While any and all donations are gladly accepted, Cerveny notes that some are more valuable than others.

“Canned food items such as soups, tuna, chicken, beans, vegetables or fruit; cereals, juices, crackers, peanut butter, jams and jellies, pasta’s and boxed meals are always items in need,’’ she said. “Fund donations are also a big help since the North County Community Food Bank can make purchases of food items through the Clark County Food Bank at discounted pricing, maximizing these funds greatly. ”

Leaders of the Battle Ground football program have encouraged the team’s players to think of others and learn to help as part of Peck’s efforts to instill Unity, Toughness and Class every day.

“We have a terrific group of football coaches here at BGHS who have inspired our players to become the best they can be on and off the field,” said Adams. “Last year we were able to give North County Food Bank over 2,300 pounds of food. This year we are looking to collect even more as well as help out the new Battle Ground High School Food Pantry.”

In April, Adam Horn, a Social Studies teacher at Battle Ground High School, helped open the school’s food pantry.

“The purpose of the food pantry is to ensure that all students have what they need to be successful academically,” said Horn. “If students are sitting in class and are hungry because they didn’t have dinner the night before, they won’t be able to focus and perform in the classroom.”

Adams is excited to bring the new BGHS Food Pantry into the fold of the annual food drive.

“This was a no-brainer,” said Adams. “With the amazing support of the community we are able to help both the students who attend BGHS and those in the community. You can’t beat that.”

She is also excited about one local company who has stepped up again for the fourth year to support this event.

“Tri-Tech Heating & Cooling has been a big sponsor for the last four years,” said Adams. “This year they have donated all the BG Football drawstring bags the Boosters will be giving away. Tri-Tech Heating & Cooling takes pride in giving back to the community and they have been a huge reason we have been able to donate so much food to the food bank over the years.”

People who donate 15 or more items (with a retail value of greater than $15) at the scrimmage Thursday will receive a free Tigers Football drawstring backpack as thanks for their help. There will be donation bins at District Stadium Thursday during the scrimmage.

Battle Ground’s season opener will be Sat., Sept. 5, at 5 p.m. vs. Kent-Meridian at French Field in Kent.

For more information on the Black/Orange Scrimmage & Food Drive or for information in general about Battle Ground football, visit