Community Focus: Route 503 roundabout open north of Battle Ground, what do residents think?


The new roundabout at state Route 503 and Northeast Rock Creek Road has been fully functional for a little while now, but the new infrastructure has sparked Facebook discussion on its practicality.

A post in the Facebook group “Washington SR 503 Information Board” asked for opinions both in favor of the roundabout and those against it, along with opinions of roundabouts and if people feel like they are good/bad in specific settings and locations.

When it comes to larger vehicle traffic, such as the rock trucks that frequent the area, responders mostly feel the new roundabout hurts truck traffic.

“They’re terrible for truck traffic because of the time it takes to slow down and speed up,” Donny Wiebold of Dollars Corner stated. “The intersection needs to be basically empty before starting into it once stopped because of the time it takes to get going again. You can’t just merge on in. For cars they’re alright.”

More people who responded to the Facebook post were opposed to roundabouts compared to people in favor. Most agreed they slow traffic down as drivers of the route complain about aggressive driving and speeding.

“I like our small roundabout on north 503 because it slows down the speeders on our road,” Susan Fredrikson of Fargher Lake stated. “I have been passed on the shoulder and over a double yellow line; this should save lives.”

Fredrikson’s comment received two laughing emojis.

Dorothy Clawson, a nearby resident, stated they are glad to see the roundabout appear at the intersection.

“It’s been really hard knowing that people have been killed running the stop sign at Rock Creek Road, also knowing that the people who hit them are having to live with that, so my opinion is that I am pleased that it’s there,” Clawson wrote.

As the Rock Creek roundabout is flat, with no decorations in the middle, commenters do like the line of sight when compared to roundabouts filled with decor.

One commenter referenced the Ridgefield roundabouts as negatives, describing them as horrid. They said some of them are two lanes, except when a truck is there; the lines are worn off; foliage blocks vision; and people have to make too many decisions in a split second. But they also stated they love the state Route 503 and Northeast Rock Creek Road roundabout.

Along with the state Route 503 and Northeast Rock Creek Road roundabout, the intersections of the highway and Northeast Gabriel Road and Lewisville Park have been proposed as roundabout candidates, with some people in favor while others were against those ideas.