Letter to the Editor: Agreement not necessary for the country to unite



A movement in recent years in American politics is toward the acceptance of the idea that we would be better off if we had a government that only tolerates a unified way of thinking and reinforcing the idea that “if you are not with us, then you are the enemy.”

Robert Ford, who spent five years in a Chinese prison from 1950 to 1955 and was released in 1957, appeared in the last segment of the “Brainwashing” episode of “The Twentieth Century featuring Walter Cronkite,” which can be found on youTube.

After five years of brainwashing on Marxist philosophy, here are some of his thoughts.

“I believe it was an eminent American who recently said that the major social problem of the 19th century was the achievement of equality, whereas the major problem of the 20th century is to avoid having people become too much alike.”

“If I have come away with anything from my five years in prison in China, it is the conviction that nothing is worth the sacrifice of one’s identity as an individual.”

“We were all born equal, but unique. Each of us must be protected in the right to become himself.”

Doug Dalton

Battle Ground